From Insight to Intent

The starting point to engage a crowd into a project is being able to share a very clear Intent.

The first step of the Art of Crowddreaming process is all about transforming the initial Insight of an individual or a small group of people about a Big Dilemma into a clear and sound Intent, that can motivate a crowd to be engaged in the project. It is the noble and relevant goal that people might desire to achieve for altruistic motivations.

In the Crowddreaming: Youth co-create Digital Culture project both the Insight and the Intent have been defined by project partners, and shared with the participating teachers, who can add their own personal angle to them. The teachers have to fill in a template that contains the tables showcased in this tutorial. Since now on, we will assume that a teacher filled the examples that follow.

Section 1.1: Insight

The original Insight, from which the Crowddreaming: Youth co-create Digital Culture project originated and the idea of the Europa Square Challenge was born, is as follows:

Section 1.2: Intent

The Intent, or desirable result, declared by the Crowddreaming: Youth co-create Digital Culture project, is as follows:

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